• 2022-23 School Year
Board Meeting Packet 06/06/23

The Regular Meeting of the School Board, scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, will be conducted in person and can be accessed virtually via Vimeo:

New Business items include: A) Community Education and Summer Programming Report; B) Acceptance of Long-Term Facilities T. Chapinduka/ Maintenance (LTFM) Plan - 287 Resolution;  C) Adoption of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget; D) Board Goal Attainment — Public Statement; E) Resolution Calling Executive Session — Superintendent Year-End Review.

Consent items include: A) Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting Conducted on May 23, 2023; B) Human Resources — Personnel Updates; C) Policies in Second Read; D) QComp Update; E) HCM MOU; F) Business Services Enabling Resolution; G) MSHSL Membership Resolution; H) Acceptance of Gifts — January - June 2023; I) Notice — Filing Dates for 2023 School Board Election; J) AST/Oracle ERP Contract; K) Tenant Lease Report; L) Board Chair Travel Approval; M) Unified Communications as a Service (Phone System) Contract Approval.

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