Community Engagement Session: Mental Health Policy
Please join us for a virtual engagement session on December 6 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The Hopkins School Board Policy Monitoring Committee is exploring its proposed Mental Health Policy and is looking for feedback from parents/caregivers, scholars, staff, and community members. The goal of the session is to gather feedback and better understand the concerns, questions, and needs of our community. The feedback gathered will be used to foster an educational environment at Hopkins Public Schools that is safe, supportive, and fully inclusive for each student.
The proposed policy can be viewed via the following link: Mental Health Policy Draft
Questions and comments can be submitted prior to or during the feedback session using the linked form. The moderator will review questions presented in the live session to ensure that a respectful and topical conversation occurs.
Link to join:
If you are unable to join via this link, submit your questions here and watch the recorded session to hear the response. We appreciate your feedback and support of Hopkins Public Schools!