[Updated August 23, 2023]
BYLAWS of Hopkins Public Schools Legislative Action Coalition
The name of this organization shall be the Hopkins Public Schools Legislative Action Coalition (LAC). The LAC oversees the various levels of advocacy efforts throughout the Hopkins School District (District). These bylaws pertain to this LAC body.
The purpose of the LAC is to assist the Hopkins School Board (Board) in advocacy for education–related legislation. The LAC coordinates these advocacy efforts throughout the District by developing, proposing, and advocating for legislative positions designed to advance the cause of excellent schools in Hopkins and Minnesota. The LAC exists by Board policy and its activities are subject to Board approval.
To fulfill this purpose, the LAC’s activities may include, but will not be limited to, the following: soliciting information on legislative activity that might affect the District; developing positions and priorities, including an annual state legislative platform; proposing positions and priorities to the Board for approval; developing a work plan for advocacy of the approved positions; communicating to the Board on a regular basis as to the progress of the LAC’s work; and advocating at the local, state, and federal level those positions identified by the LAC and approved by the Board.
All LAC members shall abide by the LAC Policy on Membership and Conduct
A. The LAC welcomes members of all backgrounds and identities. This includes but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, color, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
B. Attempts will be made to have committee membership reflect the demographic profile of the Hopkins Public Schools District (District). All members will either live in the District or have family members currently or formerly enrolled in Hopkins Public Schools.
B. The LAC will strive to solicit members from the early childhood programs, special education programs, elementary, junior high and high school as well as the community at large. It is also important that the LAC have representatives from each of the state legislative districts that cover the District.
D. The LAC will include at least one, and up to three Hopkins School Board members appointed by the School Board.
D. LAC members must have a commitment to the Hopkins Public Schools’ mission and the legislative positions adopted by the LAC and the Hopkins School Board.
E. LAC members must be interested in the legislative process, grassroots advocacy, have good communication skills, be willing to compromise and work well with other members.
G. The LAC shall be noncommercial and nonpartisan. To maintain the non-partisan integrity of the LAC, any member who has filed or is a declared candidate for partisan office, or becomes a partisan office holder, or works as paid staff for a partisan campaign or partisan office holder must resign from the LAC.
H. As a representative of the Hopkins Public Schools and the Hopkins School Board, the LAC and its members must maintain a high level of professional conduct, including confidentiality, objectivity, respectful dialogue, and professional behavior.
I. The LAC Co/Chairs retain the authority to deny or dismiss LAC membership to those persons who are in violation of the LAC Policy on Membership and Conduct, the School Board policies, and the policy and mission of the District.
A. Chairperson: (singular, or co-chairs)
1. Preside over meetings, carry out meeting agendas, assign legislative buddies, present LAC reports to the Board, communicate on behalf of the LAC for activities such as presentations to elected officials, legislative bodies, or the media, and generally oversee the activities of the LAC in representing the District and Board in advocacy efforts.
2. One Chairperson will be a designated School Board member to the LAC. The other Co–Chair will be a citizen. The School Board member designee serves at the discretion of the School Board.
B. Legislative Liaison:
Responsible for coordinating, scheduling and preparing materials for all meetings, events and presentations to the Board, District leadership, legislators and the community. Maintain all communications on behalf of the LAC including written and social media; create and maintain working relationships with District leadership, legislators and their assistants, and other advocacy groups.
The LAC strives to meet every week throughout the school year. Special meetings may be called as necessary, to deal with urgent advocacy issues. LAC members are expected to attend weekly meetings and the following:
1. The School Board meeting presenting the LAC platform recommendation to the Board.
2. The annual Legislative Breakfast where the platform is presented to state legislators representing the District.
3. Other functions such as legislative candidate forums or advocacy events sponsored by the LAC.
B. Attempts shall be made to reach consensus in establishing advocacy positions. For procedural issues and where consensus cannot be reached, simple majority will prevail.
C. LAC members will prepare for each meeting by reviewing the meeting minutes or agenda materials prior to each meeting, and they will keep abreast of local, state, and federal public education issues.
D. LAC members will be expected to attend LAC meetings, meetings with District legislators and meetings at the Capitol, and other advocacy events sponsored by the LAC. Members should be prepared to attend at least one Education Committee hearing in either legislative body or legislative floor debate on a public education bill. In certain instances, an LAC member may be called upon to testify on behalf of the Hopkins Public Schools at legislative committee hearings.
E. Once the LAC has established its positions and priorities for the year (in December) each LAC member will agree to have his/her name included, as a member of the LAC, in any communications pertaining to those positions and priorities that are sent out on behalf of the LAC including letters–to–the–editor and letters to legislators or other elected officials. Any such communications shall be approved by the LAC.
F. Each LAC member must uphold and support the views established by the LAC and approved by the School Board when communicating as a member of the LAC.
G. Members are asked to contact the Legislative Liaison or Co–Chairs if unable to attend a meeting or event.
These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the LAC by a majority vote of all members present.