* Required

Open Enrollment Application Form

Minnesota Department of Education General Statewide Enrollment Options Application for K-12 and Early Childhood Special Education

The General Statewide Enrollment Options Application for K-12 and Early Childhood Special Education is the required application for all Minnesota school districts. Please use this application for inter-district K-12 open enrollment and inter-district enrollment in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE). Please use the Statewide Enrollment Options Application for State-funded Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten and School Readiness Plus for voluntary pre-kindergarten or school readiness plus open enrollment.

Open Enrollment Applications are due by January 15.

Important Note:

Do not disclose other information to the non-resident district until a seat is offered in writing. At that point, the district will request information such as special needs, birth date, race, ethnicity, academic, and other records.

Section 1: To be Completed by One or Both of the Student's Parents or Guardians

Student Information

If there is no middle name, please type "none."​

If you are a Hopkins Public Schools resident (you live inside the Hopkins School District) you should only complete this open enrollment application if you are moving outside the districtand wish for your student to stay enrolled at Hopkins Public Schools.

Hopkins Public Schools resident families (families living in the Hopkins School District) wishing to ENROLL a student should click to complete a K-12 student enrollment form. I

If you want to apply to have your student transfer to another Hopkins school, you should click this link to complete an In-District Transfer Request application.

Not sure if you live in the Hopkins School District? Enter your address by clicking the School Search link on our Maps and Boundaries web page.

If you have question, please contact the enrollment office: Enrollment@HopkinsSchools.org.

If your response was no, please find and read the information in the Statewide Enrollment Options Instructions at this link before proceeding. Click here.

Student Resident District Information

Information about the school district where you live (if known).

The name of the school district where you live.​​​​
Share the reason(s) you wish to enroll into the Hopkins School District.​

Site or Program Preferences

If the non-resident school district has multiple sites/programs that serve your child's needs, you may rank sites/programs in order of preference (add more preferences if desired).

Students with an IEP: Please note that to provide the best learning environment, students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) maybeplaced at a school site that is equipped to meet their specific needs, which may not be one of your ranked choices.

Please list your first choice for school (site) or program (language immersion or VirtualEDU) preference.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Students with an IEP: Please note that in order to provide appropriate services, students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) maybeplaced at a school site that is designed to meet their specific needs as determined by their IEP, which may not be one of your ranked choices.

Enrollment Timeline

Special Situations

You checked "Employee Child Preference." This means that one of your child's parents or guardians work for Hopkins Public Schools. Please share the Parent/Guardian Name, job title, and department they work in at Hopkins Public Schools in the space below so we may confirm the employment. Thank you!​

If you would like to learn more and view the school districts that receive Achievement and Integration Revenue: click here.

If you would like to learn more about MN Statues section 124D.03, Subdivision 1, click here.

Parent/Legal Guardian Information

The student must live with at least one parent/guardian who lives in Minnesota.

Minnesota Parent/Guardian 1:

If you do not have an email address, please enter "none."​​

Minnesota Parent/Guardian 2:

If you do not have an email address, please enter "none."​​

Physical Signature of at Least One Parent/Guardian is Required

Transportation is not provided to open enrolling students, except for residents of North Minneapolis who qualify for the Equity Options bus program.​​ Families of open enrolled students are responsible for transporting their students to school.​ For more information about Hopkins Public Schools transportation, visit their website: HopkinsSchools.org/transportation.​

Open Enrollment Application Important Information

Open Enrollment Applications are due by January 15. Families who meet the January 15 deadline must either accept or decline the placement offer by March 1.