College Credit Options

Explore the college and career readiness resources available in Hopkins, including options for earning college credit while enrolled in Hopkins High School. 

College and Career Readiness

A team of high school counselors, administrators, teachers, and career and education experts ensure that all Hopkins students have a plan for life after high school. We work with caregivers and students starting in ninth grade to build a set of academic courses and experiences for the students' high school years.

Our Fundamental Beliefs 
  • While all students do not ned to attend four-year universities/colleges, ALL students need to attend postsecondary education, training, apprenticeships, or work experiences to enhance their career options.
  • Planning should be done incrementally across the first three years of high school to reduce stress and improve preparedness in the senior year.
  • All students should be aware of experiences that can enhance career planning and college readiness options including internships, post-secondary enrollment opportunities, College in the Schools courses, work experiences, activities, clubs, sports, and volunteer opportunities. 
  • Students change post-secondary plans in high school, just as many people change careers in their adult lives, The skills students build at Hopkins High School must prepare students to be flexible and innovative adults in an ever-changing world.
Current Programming
  • Career-related field trips with industry professionals
  • Royals Prep Course where students complete college applications
  • PSAT/National Merit scholar in-schol test prep
  • In-school ACT test preparation for juniors
  • Royals College and Career Center
  • Colleges and universities visit Hopkins High School annually
Future Innovations
  • A student/parent handbook outlining what outcomes are critical for each year
  • In-school career development workshops
  • Junior student "bootcamp" to prepare for college application process 
  • Electronic job/internship database to connect students with opportunities
  • Feedback from the community that identifies programming gaps
  • A four-year portfolio that embeds post-secondary planning and preparation into the school day
  • Associate degrees earned while enrolled at Hopkins High School

College Credit Options